Welcome! You are searching for a school where excellence is anticipated and is defined as supporting each student in his or her efforts to do their very best, a community where the partnership between school and family is a core element and an expected resource.
Remember what it felt like to be new?
You may have had questions, been unsure of requirements and just needed a friend to feel welcome. It’s normal to have first day jitters.
Welcoming new families is a priority to us. We know that coming to a new school can sometimes be overwhelming, especially to children. To make the experience smoother, we have mentors for new families. Mentor families are asked to call new families on a regular basis to touch base and answer questions You just might make new lifelong friends and, of course, you will share the wonderful warmth of the St. Peter family. We assign families with consideration to grade/ages, etc. to make a valuable experience for everyone.
Below are answers to some questions that parents frequently ask. Questions not addressed below may be answered HERE or elsewhere on our website. We encourage you to call the school office with any questions: 262-644-8083 ext. 25.
What are the school hours?
*Please do not arrive before 7:15 AM unless your child is enrolled in our child care program
Grades 5K-5th Grade run from 7:25 AM until 2:25 PM.
Morning 3K & 4K: 7:20 -11:00 AM
All Day 3K & 4K: 7:20 AM – 2:25 PM
Child Care: M-F 6:30 – 7:15 AM, 2:30 – 5:30 PM
*Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classrooms by 7:45 AM
Do students attend Mass?
5K – 5th grade students attend an all school mass on Wednesdays with Fr. Rick Stoffel and the congregation. 4K-5th grade students attend mass on Thursdays on a rotation basis. 4K students attend mass twice a month (Wednesday and Thursday). 3K students attend prayer services and other special masses.
How do you incorporate the Catholic Faith in your school?
Along with weekly Mass, religion class is part of our daily curriculum. Prayer is woven throughout the day. Classrooms begin and end their day in prayer and always pray before meals. Discussions and celebrations of the liturgical seasons and lives of the saints are incorporated throughout the year. Opportunities for reconciliation are provided during Advent and Lent for all students who have received that sacrament. Preparation and instruction is provided in second grade for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
Is the priest involved in the school and to what extent?
Father Rick visits the school and has a formal instruction period with each class in grades 3K – 5th grade biweekly.
How much is tuition?
You are welcome to review our tuition costs on our Tuition & Financial Aid Page. Please call the school office for more information at 262-644-8083 ext. 25.
Is hot lunch available?
Hot lunch (with milk) is optional for students to take but is served daily by the Slinger School District according to their schedule. Milk is also available to students who bring their own lunch. Hot lunch must be paid for on a weekly, monthly or semester basis. Lunches must be ordered and paid for by the Friday prior to each week by 8:00 AM.
Is there a dress code?
A uniform code of dress is required for all grade levels. Our Catholic school uniform shows dignity to the process of education and is a visual sign of our school community. Our dress reflects our belief of basic equality in the eyes of God, and shows respect for authority and order. St. Peter Catholic students should wear their uniform in a manner which reflects pride in themselves and in our school. Upon admission and registration, your student will receive a uniform order form.
Is child care available?
A child care program for children 3K-5th grade is available for your convenience Monday-Friday for any child who is currently enrolled at St. Peter Catholic School. The before and after school child care program is designed to provide supervision and safety for your school aged children in a stimulating and educational Christian setting. Hours of operation are 6:30-7:15 AM. and 2:25-5:30 PM daily when school is in session. Please visit the Child Care Page or contact the school office for more information.
Is summer child care Available?
Summer child care is offered to all St. Peter Catholic School families and Tri-Parish (St. Peter, Resurrection and St. Lawrence) Parishioners. Hours of operation are 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM. Please visit the Child Care Page or contact the school office for more information.
What is the school’s curriculum?
Our curriculum is a standards-based curriculum of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The Archdiocese has created a Grade-Specific Catholic Education Curriculum. Teachers use the curriculum as the basis for planning their lessons for the year. Our fervent use of the curriculum will assist students in attaining the standards for which they are accountable.
Curriculum guides offer clear expectations for education in the following subject areas: Religion, Human Growth and Development, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Math, World Languages, Music, Physical Education and Technology.
All graduates of St. Peter Catholic School and all schools in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee will demonstrate:
Do you offer “Specials”?
Students’ schedules for 5K – 5th grade include music, physical education, Spanish, library, computers, health and art. All specials meet once per week with the exception of PE and music, which meet twice per week. 3K and 4K students attend Spanish, physical education, library, music and computers classes.
Where do students go after 5th grade?
Students who want to continue their education in a Catholic school may attend any Catholic school in the area after they leave St. Peter Catholic School. Students may also choose to attend the public middle school in the district they reside.
How is the transition for them when going to the middle school?
Information provided by the administration from Slinger School District indicates that most of the students from St. Peter Catholic School are able to adjust very well to the transition. At the 5th grade level we have a number of different schools converging on the middle school at the same time. (Allenton Elementary, Addison Elementary, Slinger Elementary and St. Peter Catholic School).
How do they do (academically and socially) when in Middle School?
Information provided by personnel and administration from Slinger Middle School indicate that graduates from St. Peter Catholic School rank very high. Many of the students are listed on the high honor and honor roll in middle and high school and their names are published quarterly in the local newspaper. They get along very well with other students and are respectful and helpful.
How do our students do on standardized tests in relationship to other children/schools?
St. Peter Catholic School students generally rank well above the national percentile on standardized tests.
What extra-curricular activities are offered?
Students are offered many extra-curricular activities. The activities include: choir, piano lessons, Scouts, Art Club, Newspaper Club, Creative Solutions, Mad Science, Math Club and 5th grade athletics.
How/what is the curriculum compared to the other schools?
Our curriculum follows the guidelines set by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Religion is incorporated into all areas of the curriculum and throughout our school day.
Is foreign language offered at St. Peter Catholic School?
Yes, we offer Spanish to students in 3K – 5th grade. Students engage in conversation using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. Through the program, students also gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
What about school closings?
In the unlikely event that school is closed due to bad weather, please check Slinger’s local radio stations, Slinger School District’s website, or our school’s website. We align our closings due to weather with Slinger School District. However, if you sign-up for SPCS’s email or text message alerts, you will receive an alert as soon as possible. More information about signing-up for these alerts can be found on our Forms and Resources Page.
Is there a parent association?
The Home and School Association is an active group of parents who support St. Peter Catholic School. Home and School is an organization that, through the combined efforts of our entire staff and our parents, strives to create a spiritual and learning environment where our students at SPCS can succeed.
We also have a mentor program to new and interested parents of the school in which check-ins or phone calls are made as well as attending school-related events together. We assign families with consideration to grade/ages, etc. to make a valuable experience for everyone. We want to ensure our new families and students feel part of the St. Peter community immediately, and we are asking YOU to be part of the Mentor program to do just that.
If you are a new family with questions or a returning family wanting to help others, please call the school office for information 262-644-8086 ext. 25.
What is a typical class size?
Generally, classes at St. Peter range from 6 to 20 students. Class sizes are limited to 20 students in the 3K and 4K programs and 25 students in grades 5K – 5th. An aide is employed in all sections of Pre-K, ensuring that a teacher-to-student ratio is no more than 1 to 10 for the 3K and 4K program.
Does St. Peter Catholic School have special resources available for children that may need it?
Special assistance may be available for students recommended by the regular classroom teacher. In the event that interventions at St. Peter Catholic School are not possible, a referral is made to the local school district.
My child is currently in a public school. Can I transfer him/her to a Catholic school?
We’re eager to welcome your child at any time, any grade. It is never too late to begin a Catholic education. This transition for students and their classmates is most easy at the beginning of the school year or after Christmas Break.
What is expected of Catholic school parents?
Parents are the child’s first and best teachers. Therefore, parents are expected to reinforce and exemplify the Catholic values reinforced at school: faith, respect and responsibility. Parents are expected to:
Participate in their child’s education by partnering with teachers and school administrators to ensure their child is completing homework and following school rules.