To learn more about getting involved with any of the following committees, please contact Principal Cheryl Jaeger.
School Advisory Committee
We help set policies for the school and the students, help our school plan for the future, and assure the guidance of St. Peter Catholic School students in a Christian environment. We meet at 6:30 PM on the first Wednesday of every month excluding July and August.
Home and School Association Committee
The Home and School Association provides an opportunity for school parents to meet, to obtain information of interest and to exchange ideas. It is a way to keep parents informed and to plan for the year’s social events and fundraising activities. These fundraisers help support the school and provide for additional needed items. This committee meets in September, January and May.
Marketing Committee
The Marketing Committee meets the second Monday of every month at 6:00 PM except for the month of July. They ensure that the overall mission of the school is being communicated internally and externally to promote school awareness and enrollment within the Tri-Parish Communities.
Technology Committee
Our IT Committee monitors any technological items within the parish and school. The IT Committee will address any concerns and issues regarding the website, email, network, hardware, and software. The budgetary process is taken into consideration with input from the committees of the parish for any technological needs from their committees.